新关注 > 信息聚合 > 看看那些变态玩家自制的《马里奥制造》关卡


Look at those abnormal internationally homemade Mario "level

2015-09-16 09:36:36来源: 新浪

去年E3展上亮相的《马里奥制造》终于在今年正式发售,这款任天堂经典系列游戏这一次玩出了让玩家自制关卡的新花样。 《超级马里奥兄弟》大概是任天堂史上最著名的游戏,说它风靡全球毫不夸张,作为任天堂的招牌,任天堂还面向不同的平台开发了各种系列,从最早的红白机到现在的3DS和Wii U,而最...

last year's E3 debut of Mario made finally in this year, officially on sale, this classic Nintendo game series this time playing a made to internationally levels of new tricks. Super Mario Bros., is probably the history of Nintendo's most famous game, saying it swept the globe is not an exaggeration, as a sign of Nintendo's, Nintendo for different platforms developed a variety of series, from the first NES to now the DS and Wii u, and the...

标签: 玩家