新关注 > 信息聚合 > 十万英尺直面宇宙!《时空炫斗》玩就要够大胆


One hundred thousand feet facing the universe! The spatial and temporal Hyun bucket "play will be bold enough

2015-09-11 11:17:29来源: 一游网


Dubai Tower, about 2716.53 feet and human built to date the highest buildings. Standing on top of the top floor you are walking in the clouds, the eyes of the beautiful scenery of the Gulf of Arabia. But do you ever think about 100000 feet high, Burj Dubai 36.8 times the height, but also to see what kind of scenery? "Time and space" - one of the most popular hand travel, has successfully challenged one hundred thousand feet high, becoming the first to climb into space...