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爸爸的正确使用方式 《和爸爸洗澡》感受父爱

The correct way to use dad "and father a bath, feel father

2015-09-09 19:06:26来源: 178游戏网

小编Yellowstrong最近玩了一款名叫《和爸爸洗澡》的游戏,玩过之后一直久久不能平静,心理阴影面积大于10000平方米。而这一切的一切都源自一条QQ信息。 我记得那是2015年9月的一个炎热的下午,烦躁无聊的我急需一个发泄的途径。就在这时我的QQ闪动起来, 这个头像我再熟悉...

Xiaobian Yellowstrong recently play a named" and father a bath "game, played after has been a long time can not be calm, psychological shadow area more than 10000 square meters. And all of this comes from a QQ message. I remember it was a hot afternoon in September 2015, and I needed a way to vent. At this time my QQ flashing, this picture I again familiar...