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塔楼中的勇者之旅 《小小无赖》安卓版上架

Tower of the brave journey "little rascal" Android version shelves

2015-09-09 19:32:55来源: 4399

本篇小编为大家介绍的这款《小小无赖》其苹果版早在去年4月就与大家见了面。在时隔一年半后,这款游戏终于上架了安卓平台,安卓的玩家总算可以感受这款像素Roguelike游戏了。 《小小无赖》下载:【安卓版】 游戏讲述了主人公在塔楼中冒险的故事,你将化身像素勇士在神秘危险的塔楼中进行探险。...

this small series to introduce this "little rascal" the apple version as early as last April it and we met. After a lapse of a year and a half later, the game has finally hit the Android platform, Android players can finally feel the pixel Roguelike game. "Little rogue" Download: [Android version] game tells the story of the hero in the tower, the story of the tower, you will be the embodiment of pixel warriors in the mysterious danger of adventure. ...

标签: 安卓