新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《战争雷霆》致敬抗战胜利70周年 钢铁同盟集结战!

《战争雷霆》致敬抗战胜利70周年 钢铁同盟集结战!

"The thunder of war" salute the 70th anniversary of the victory of the war of resistance against Japan iron and Steel Union war build-up. On 3

2015-09-02 19:59:37来源: 电玩巴士

2015年9月3日,世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年暨我国抗日战争胜利70周年纪念日,纪念这一全人类盛事,全球陷入缅怀历史、庆祝胜利的思考与狂欢之中。《战争雷霆》作为腾讯旗下独家代理战争载具射击网游,以钢铁同盟集结之名,致敬抗战胜利! 钢铁同盟集结,为纪念这场伟大战争的最终胜利,并向所有...

2015 in September, the 70th anniversary of the victory of the world anti fascist war and the victory of the war of resistance against Japan the 70th anniversary of Memorial Day. To commemorate the event of all mankind, the global economy into the cherish the memory of the history, to celebrate the victory of thinking and carnival. "War thunder" as the exclusive agent of the company's exclusive agent of the war, with the battle of the iron and steel, the name of the rally, a tribute to the victory of the war of resistance against Japan, the iron and steel alliance, in order to commemorate the victory of this great war, and to all...