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魔幻风格手游《巨龙城堡》 二次元萌系来袭

Magic style hand tour "Dragon Castle," the two element of the dimensional Meng Department struck

2015-09-02 17:57:30来源: 4399

《巨龙城堡》该款魔幻风格的手游就创导了这类游戏的新概念。该款游戏以靓丽清新的画风,可爱逗趣的3D造型、轻松快乐的游戏形式深深吸引了广大玩家。 故事发生在翡苏丽亚世界,女巫诺玛因在城堡捡到小龙为契机,成为了“真龙使者”,与争夺小龙的势力作斗争,在背负上守护翡苏丽亚的责任后,巨龙大战的秘密...

"Dragon Castle," the magic style of hand travel on the creation of a new concept of this kind of game. The game with fresh and beautiful style, cute funny 3D modeling, relaxed and happy game form deeply attracted the majority of players. The story takes place in the world of Fei Suria, witch Norma because in the castle found dragons as an opportunity, become the messenger of the dragon, and compete for the Dragons of the power struggle, in carrying on the guardian, Firenze Suria after and Dragons fought the secret...

标签: 手游