新关注 > 信息聚合 > 迷宫探索RPG《童话森林》2021年1月28日发售 支持中文

迷宫探索RPG《童话森林》2021年1月28日发售 支持中文

Labyrinth exploration RPG fairy tale forest will be released on January 28, 2021 in Chinese

2020-10-03 09:48:46来源: 游戏时光

  云豹娱乐宣布,由日本开发团队 PrimaryOrbit 制作的奇幻迷宫探索 RPG《童话森林》将在 2021 年 1 月 28 日全球同步发售,登陆 PS4/NS/PC 平台,支持简体与繁体中文。  《童话森林》由游戏创作者石黒しなの自 2015 年开始独立个人制作,剧情描述了小女孩在森林中搜集魔法素材,跟着村民一起成长,还有各种日常事件体验流程。  这次《童话森林》登上家用主机平台时,游戏的要素进行了大幅的改进,并在视觉层面进行了翻新强化。为了让游戏更加生动,还特别请到声优竹达彩奈为主角「梅露」献声配音,并献唱开头歌曲「春芽萌发时」。  另外,本作的实体限定版还将附带主角「梅露」的限定版手办。

Clouded leopard announced that the magic labyrinth exploration RPG fairy tale forest, produced by the Japanese development team primaryorbit, will be released globally on January 28, 2021, landing on the PS4 / NS / PC platform to support simplified and traditional Chinese. "Fairy tale forest" has been independently produced by game creator Shi Hei なののののしなののののしなののののしなののののの. When Fairy Tale Forest boarded the home host platform, the elements of the game were greatly improved, and the visual level was renovated and strengthened. In order to make the game more vivid, we also invited the voice dubbing of the main character "Meilu" and sang the opening song "when the spring sprouts". In addition, the limited edition of this work will also be accompanied by the limited edition of the protagonist "Mei Lu".