新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2020广州国庆漫展行:我看了一整天高达模型和宅舞


Guangzhou National Day 2020: I've been watching Gundam model and house dance all day

2020-10-03 09:22:43来源: 游戏时光

  国庆假期首日的早上 8 点 50 分左右,我从广州地铁 8 号线客村站月台走进车厢。果不其然,车厢里已经有好些穿戴整齐的,以及拉着巨大行李箱准备去到漫展现场再进行穿戴的 coser 们了。每次去参加广州的漫展,我都会在地铁 8 号线上看到这样的风光。  近年因为工作的关系,我已经几年没有去过漫展了(如果 ChinaJoy 不算的话)。托了游戏时光的福,这次我有机会受邀参加 CICF 中国国际漫画节动漫游戏展,还没去到现场,我过往的漫展记忆就被激活了。  虽然也会看少量的动画,但我去漫展一般都不是因为对「二次元」的喜爱,而是为了「三次元」的偶像。我 2014 年的美好回忆。不过对花钱进内场的人来说可能不太美好  CICF 过去邀请过不少日本声优、歌手、偶像到广州开见面会,比如茅原实里、LiSA。2014 年的

At about 8:50 a.m. on the first day of the National Day holiday, I walked into the carriage from the platform of Kecun station of Guangzhou Metro Line 8. Sure enough, there are already a number of cosers in the carriage who are well dressed and pulling huge suitcases to go to the exhibition site to dress again. Every time I go to Guangzhou's diffuse exhibition, I will see such scenery on Metro Line 8. In recent years, because of my work, I haven't been to the diffuse Exhibition for several years (if China joy doesn't count). Thanks to the game time, I had the opportunity to be invited to participate in the cicf China International Cartoon Festival animation game exhibition. Before I arrived at the scene, my memory of the past exhibition was activated. Although I also watch a small amount of animation, I usually go to the exhibition not because of my love of "two dimensional", but for the idol of "three dimensional". My wonderful memories of 2014. However, it may not be good for those who spend money on the infield. Cicf has invited many Japanese voice actors, singers and idols to Guangzhou for a meeting, such as Mao yuanshili and Lisa. 2014's