新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《糖豆人:终极淘汰赛》第二赛季将于10月8日上线


The second season of "sugar bean man: the final knockout" will be launched on October 8

2020-10-03 09:01:30来源: 游戏时光

  多人闯关游戏《糖豆人:终极淘汰赛》官方推特近日宣布,第二赛季将于 10 月 8 日正式上线。  正如之前报道,第二赛季将以「中世纪」为主题,为玩家带来包含吊桥、巨斧、海洋等全新要素的赛道关卡,以及维京人、骑士、女巫等主题皮肤与表情。  在游戏优化方面,新赛季将会在赛季奖励中增加超过 600% 的皇冠产出数量,并新增“玩家铭牌自定义”以及“团队匹配下落”等机制以提升玩家体验。  同时官方还称,赛季更替期间还将开启双倍声望活动,希望感兴趣的朋友届时不要错过。来源:Gematsu

The official twitter of "sugar bean man: the ultimate elimination game" announced recently that the second season will be officially launched on October 8. As previously reported, the second season will feature "Middle Ages" as the theme, bringing new track levels including suspension bridges, tomahawks and the sea, as well as skin and expressions of Vikings, knights and witches. In terms of game optimization, more than 600% of the crown output will be added in the season reward in the new season, and mechanisms such as "player's nameplate customization" and "team matching whereabouts" will be added to improve the player experience. At the same time, officials also said that during the season change, there will be a double popularity event, hoping that interested friends will not miss it. Source: gematsu