新关注 > 信息聚合 > 随着史蒂夫的加入,《任天堂明星大乱斗 特别版》每张地图都要「重做」

随着史蒂夫的加入,《任天堂明星大乱斗 特别版》每张地图都要「重做」

With the addition of Steve, every map of Nintendo starfight special needs to be "redone"

2020-10-02 15:15:02来源: 游戏时光

  任天堂于 10 月 1 日“大乱斗”直面会上宣布来自《我的世界》的“史蒂夫”将作为 DLC 角色参战《任天堂明星大乱斗 特别版》,然而作为一款沙盒游戏的主角,他的加入意味着在“大乱斗”中挖掘和放置“方块”变成了可能,因此制作组面临的工作量将远超我们的想象。  究竟什么方面的工作最繁复呢?樱井政博制作人的回答是“场景交互”,为了让史蒂夫在游戏中更加真实,他们重做了“大乱斗”中的全部的地图,而购买了本作的朋友应该都知道本作有着超 100 张地图:  设计史蒂夫这个新斗士非常容易,他的图像也非常容易创建,动作模型的制作也挺简单的,音效方面相比别的斗士稍显复杂,因为有很多细节需要琢磨,好在史蒂夫并不用‘说话’(省去了配音环节)。  困难的地方在于如何让史蒂夫‘活’起来,这真是个不小的挑战,为此我们重做了所有已有的地

Nintendo announced on October 1 that "Steve" from "my world" will participate in "Nintendo star fight" as a DLC character However, as the protagonist of a sandbox game, his addition means that it is possible to excavate and place "squares" in the "chaos", so the workload faced by the production team will be far beyond our imagination. What is the most complicated work? The answer of Sakurai's producer is "scene interaction". In order to make Steve more realistic in the game, they redo all the maps in "big chaos". All friends who have bought this book should know that the book has a super 100 Map: it's very easy to design Steve as a new fighter. His image is also very easy to create. The production of action model is also very simple. Compared with other fighters, the sound effect is slightly more complicated because there are many details to be considered. Fortunately, Steve doesn't need to "speak" (the dubbing link is omitted). The difficulty is how to make Steve "live". It's a big challenge, so we've done everything we have

标签: 任天堂