新关注 > 信息聚合 > 育碧曾要开发一款奇幻类RPG 但该项目最后被砍了

育碧曾要开发一款奇幻类RPG 但该项目最后被砍了

Ubisoft wanted to develop a fantasy RPG, but the project was cut off

2020-07-29 12:55:20来源: 游戏时光

  根据彭博社的报道,育碧曾计划开发一款名为《阿瓦隆》(Avalon)的角色扮演类游戏,但该项目最终因难产而作废。  《阿瓦隆》是一款中世纪题材的幻想类 RPG,其中包含魔法与剑术元素,游戏剧情取材于亚瑟王和圆桌骑士们的故事。该作最初由前《龙腾世纪》创意总监 Mike Laidlaw 主导开发,但在 2019 年底被取消。   Mike Laidlaw    《阿瓦隆》难产的原因与前育碧首席创意官 Serge Hascoët 有关。根据报道,Hascoët 始终无法与《阿瓦隆》开发组达成一致意见,他拒绝了开发组提供的创意,还要求《阿瓦隆》做到“比托尔金的作品(《霍比特人》《魔戒》等)更好”。 Mike Laidlaw 等人曾做出一些妥协,但最终都无济于事。 

Ubisoft had planned to develop a role-playing game called Avalon, but the project was scrapped because of dystocia, according to a report by Bloomberg. "Avalon" is a medieval fantasy RPG, which contains magic and fencing elements. The game is based on the story of King Arthur and Knights of the round table. The work was originally developed under the leadership of Mike Laidlaw, former creative director of Dragon century, but was cancelled at the end of 2019. &The reason for the dystocia of "Avalon" has something to do with Serge HASCO è T, the former chief creative officer of Ubisoft. According to reports, HASCO è t has been unable to reach an agreement with the Avalon development team. He rejected the idea offered by the development team and asked Avalon to be "better than Tolkien's works (The Hobbit, the Lord of the rings, etc.).