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2K公开《PGA TOUR 2K21》球场制作幕后花絮

2K unveils behind the scenes scenes of PGA Tour 2k21

2020-07-29 22:00:44来源: 游戏时光

  2K 官方刚刚公开了一个幕后制作花絮,展示了其最新绘图技术是如何为《PGA TOUR 2K21》带来真实的球场的。来看看预告片中的 Tournament Players Club(TPC)球场 East Lake Golf Club 吧:视频地址  HB Studios 开发者对高尔夫充满热忱,游戏中的每座球场都花费数月时间制作。最初,他们与 Terra Imaging 合作,采集并处理无人机拍摄的每座球场影片。无人机对这些球场进行数据采集,然后将数据转换为 3D 图像,以便 HB Studios 开发者在游戏中进行重建。如此一来,玩家便能获得与 PGA TOUR 职业球员在真实锦标赛中对决的临场感,真切感受到每处果岭弯度及球座高度。   “我们的目标是竭尽所能在《PGA TOUR 2K21》中 100%

2K officials have just released a behind the scenes production sideshow of how its latest drawing technology has brought real stadiums to PGA Tour 2k21. Take a look at the tour players club (TPC) course in the trailer: HB studios developers are passionate about golf, and each course in the game takes months to produce. Initially, they worked with Terra imaging to collect and process videos of each stadium shot by UAVs. UAVs collect data from these courses and then convert the data into 3D images for HB studios developers to reconstruct in the game. In this way, players can get the sense of being on the spot against professional PGA tour players in real tournaments, and truly feel the curvature of each green and the height of the tee. "Our goal is to do our best in PGA Tour 2k21