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劳拉领衔冒险手游 热门千元超值机推荐

Laura headlining adventure travel hot thousand premium machine recommend

2015-08-31 14:52:49来源: 天极网

每周手游推荐:SE公司在手机上推出了《劳拉快跑》手游,这是一款冒险解谜类游戏。游戏采用了2.5D视角,3D卡通渲染,还带有一丝像素游戏的风格。游戏为回合制解谜模式,故事背景是一个被遗忘的世界。在揭开毒液女王的神秘面纱过程中,探索古文明遗迹、发现隐藏已久的秘密并面对生死考验。 SE公司...

weekly travel recommendation: Se company in the mobile phone launched the "Run Lola Run" tour, which is a adventure puzzle game. The game uses a 2.5D perspective, 3D cartoon rendering, but also with a trace of the style of the game. The game is a turn based puzzle mode, the background of the story is a forgotten world. In the process of revealing the mystery of the Queen's venom, explore the ancient civilization remains, discover the hidden secrets and face the life and death test. SE company...

标签: 手游