新关注 > 信息聚合 > B神转会加入VG战队 ChuaN神或许退役

B神转会加入VG战队 ChuaN神或许退役

B God move to join the VG team ChuaN God perhaps retired

2015-08-23 12:35:50来源: 游久网

“你走,我祝你一帆风顺;你留,我跟你再战一年”——ChuaN 昨晚一条出自ChuaN神的微博,告诉大家BurNing离开IG已成定局。微博配图是两人在沙滩上嬉戏的合照。可以看出ChuaN神和B神的感情有多么深厚,同时让大家最为关心的是B神的去向!据可靠消息所称,B神离开IG后,将转会...

"you go, I wish you smooth sailing, you leave, I with you one more year" -- last night ChuaN a from microblogging ChuaN God, tell everyone burning left Ig is a foregone conclusion. Micro-blog picture two people playing on the beach. It can be seen how deep the feeling of ChuaN God and B IG, and let everyone is the most concerned about the whereabouts of the B God, according to reliable sources, the B God left after the transfer...