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《怪兽吃了我的城市》评测:续作新定义 比前作更..

The monster eats the my city "evaluation: defining a new sequel than before for more..

2015-08-23 22:13:14来源: 任玩堂

早在3 年前,曾经出现过一款名叫《怪兽吃了我的公寓》的叠楼消除游戏,让我疯狂着迷了一段时间。最近,这款游戏推出了一部续作 —— Monsters Ate My Metropolis《怪兽吃了我的城市》。虽然是续作,但它却没有随前作那样成为三消游戏,而是选择了大相庭径的卡牌战斗。 虽说这...

as early as 3 years ago, there have been a named" monster ate my apartment "stacked floor elimination game, let me crazy crazy for a period of time. Recently, the game launched a sequel -- Monsters Ate My Metropolis "monster ate my city". Although it is a sequel, but it is not as before as elimination games, but the choice of large diameter chamber card battle. Although this...