新关注 > 信息聚合 > Fnatic新阵容确定 Black/Ryoyr加盟

Fnatic新阵容确定 Black/Ryoyr加盟

Fnatic new lineup determined prior to joining

2015-08-23 22:13:14来源: 游久网

之前我们报道了KYXY离队的消息(查看新闻),后来马来西亚电竞圈人士Masterramen发了一条推: 而最新的消息称,Fnatic最新阵容已由1号位Black(德国籍 前Mouz队员/前MVP HOT6教练)、2号位Mushi (马来西亚籍 原Fnatic队员)、3号位Ohaiyo...

Black/Ryoyr we reported KYXY departure of the message (see the press), Malaysia later gaming circles Masterramen made a push: according to the latest news, Fnatic the latest line-up has been by No. 1 black (German former mouz player / former MVP HOT6 coach), 2 No. Mushi (Malaysian original Fnatic player), 3 number Ohaiyo...