新关注 > 信息聚合 > 装填可乐也虐心?《备好可乐》打造小能手


Loaded coke also abuse heart, "ready to coke" to create a small expert

2015-08-23 16:30:01来源: 4399

可乐作为生活中时刻出现的饮品,相信不少小伙伴们都特别的喜欢。但是,你们尝试过自己填装可乐吗?假如没有,今天就随小编到《备好可乐》(Ready Cola!)中一起体验一把吧!不过,听说这游戏有点虐心哦! 备好可乐【iOS版】 炎炎夏日,来上一瓶冰镇的可乐那真是再好不过的了!不过我们一边...

coke as a life of the moment, I believe many small partners are particularly fond of. But, have you ever tried to fill their cola?? if not, today with the small series to the prepared Cola "(ready Cola!) together to experience the! However, I heard that the game a little child heart Oh! Prepare Cola [IOS version] summer, to a bottle of iced coke it is finally the! But our side...