新关注 > 信息聚合 > 甜蜜来袭 《剑侠世界2》七夕新服今日开启

甜蜜来袭 《剑侠世界2》七夕新服今日开启

Sweet struck the swordsman in the world 2 "Tanabata new service today open the warmth of

2015-08-13 09:41:42来源: 电玩巴士

七夕佳节温馨时刻,你将与谁牵手,享受浪漫时光?《剑侠世界2》七夕新服将于今日19:00甜蜜来袭!邀你邂逅浪漫情缘,体验纯正的武侠江湖,只要入驻的侠客即可享受各种福利各种特权,还有激情的盛夏活动和七夕活动等着你哦! 新服推荐:2015年8月12日19:00 【盘龙区 碧海银沙】 【...

Tanabata Festival time, you will be and who hand in hand, enjoy the romantic time? The swordsman in the world 2" Tanabata new service will today from 19:00 sweet struck! Invite you encounter romance, experience pure martial arts arena, as long as settled knight can enjoy various benefits all privileges and passion of summer activities and Tanabata activities you oh! New clothing is recommended: August 2015 at 19:00 on the 12 [Panlong District Bihai silver sand] [...