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江湖新征程 九阴真经史诗资料片公测

Wild new journey jiuyinzhenjing epic piece of information

2015-08-07 11:07:32来源: 新浪

四年侠梦四年心,潜龙出世江湖新。自古风流少年时,乱世武林绝学兴。时光荏苒,白驹过隙,《九阴真经》周年庆典来袭,史诗资料片“潜龙乱世”今日惊世公测,新疆域东海、体格系统、结义系统、门派绝学、动态随机禁地等全新玩法携手现世,武林风貌焕然一新。 潜龙乱世 同名主题曲MV首爆 犹记去年“侠...

beta four years man dream for four years, the new born dragon lake. Since ancient times, romantic youth, times of Wushu xing. Time flies, in the twinkling of an eye, the incoming "Jiuyin scriptures" anniversary celebration, the epic piece of information "Hyphalosaurus in troubled times" today stunning beta, Xinjiang Region East China Sea, physical, sworn system, martial Juexue, dynamic random forbidden and new play together secular, martial arts style Woon. Qianlong times theme song of the same name MV first burst remember that last man "...