新关注 > 信息聚合 > 网易全新海盗风MOBA大作《夺宝联盟》试玩


Netease new Viking wind MoBa as Spanish MoBa agent League "Indiana" demo

2015-07-31 14:43:21来源: 178游戏网

网易代理的西班牙MOBA大作《夺宝联盟》在CJ开展了中文版本现场试玩,这也是该游戏首次在国内登场。《夺宝联盟》和一般的MOBA有一些不同之处,更侧重于俯视角射击+竞技的感觉,下面就一起来看看本作的现场试玩吧! 更多精彩内容点击:2015ChinaJoy专题报道>> 8V8模式 每个...

Netease big league "Indiana" in CJ launched a Chinese version of the demo site, which is the first in the domestic debut. League "Indiana" and the general MoBa has some differences and focus more on that overlooks the angle shooting + athletics feeling. The following is a look at the demo site. More exciting content, click: 2015ChinaJoy special report "8v8 model each.

标签: 网易