新关注 > 信息聚合 > 双驰体感游戏鞋,能打游戏的智能鞋


Double Chi somatosensory shoe game, can play the game smart shoes

2015-07-30 18:02:17来源: 电玩巴士

鞋子也能用来打游戏,很多人的第一反应是不可能。其实在今年的Chinajoy(中国国际数码互动娱乐展览会)上,由双驰智能带来的体感游戏鞋就在展会上亮相了。 穿在脚上的游戏手柄 这款体感游戏鞋内置了智能感应器,在你脚部运动时,游戏内的角色也会做出相应的动作,堪称穿在脚上的游戏手柄。 ...

shoes can used to play games, the first reaction of many people is impossible. In fact, in this year's Chinajoy (China International Digital Interactive Entertainment exhibition), the body feeling game shoes made by the dual Chi brought about by the exhibition debut. Wear on the foot game this handle body sense Game Shoes built the smart sensors, when your foot movement, role in the game will make a corresponding action, called the wear on the foot of the handle of the game. ...

标签: 游戏