新关注 > 信息聚合 > 索尼注册商标Gnomageddon 或开发侏儒题材新作

索尼注册商标Gnomageddon 或开发侏儒题材新作

Sony registered trademark Gnomageddon or developing dwarf theme of the new

2015-07-24 19:55:12来源: 逗游网

近日有外媒称,美国索尼电脑娱乐(Sony Computer Entainment American)于7月15日注册了一个名为“Gnomageddon”的商标。我从商标名字判断,Gnome的意思意味“侏儒”,所以这个商标/游戏很有可能和侏儒有关。 “Gnomageddon”商标注册内...

recently foreign media said, Sony Computer Entertainment America (Sony Computer Entainment American) on July 15, registered a trademark "Gnomageddon". I judge from the brand name, Gnome means "dwarf", so the brand / game is likely to be related to the dwarf. "Gnomageddon" trademark registration...

标签: 索尼