新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国宇鼠标力赞175游戏平台"王者ol"封测


Yu country mouse force praise 175 gaming platform "King ol" domestic IC packaging and testing

2015-07-23 19:10:03来源: IT168

2015国内首款页游卡牌于7月21日下午15点盛大封测,中国CS游戏第一平台175游戏平台“王者OL”本次携手知名的键鼠品牌——GOYO国宇庆封测,让广大玩家激情游戏的同时提升游戏装备,成为真正王者! 全民鼠标全民体验,趣味挑战赛,幸运转盘,王者理财,礼包兑换等九大活动庆祝“王者OL...

2015 first page tour card on July 21 afternoon 15 grand IC packaging and testing, China's first CS game platform 175 gaming platform "King ol" the together well-known mouse brand -- goyo China Yu Qing IC packaging and testing, for the majority of the players in the game, passion, and equipment to enhance the game, become a true king! Universal mouse universal experience fun challenge, wheel of fortune, king of the financial package exchange nine activities to celebrate the "king of the ol...

标签: 游戏