新关注 > 信息聚合 > 此方酱の游戏日记:以岩田聪之名的童年天堂


This sauce [in Japanese game diary: to Tian Yan Cong childhood paradise

2015-07-24 07:35:07来源: 新浪

唔~呼呼呼(*/ω*)~知道大家一定想我啦(并不)~这里是此方酱(微博)。 即使是炎热喧嚣的夏季7月份,雨水依旧毫不犹豫地怒刷存在感。天空还没有泛起蓝光,11区传来岩田聪去世的消息,措手不及的同时,几声惊雷响起。 ——暴雨来了。 2015年7月12日 微博有心灵手巧的人发...

Oh ~ whirring call (* w *) to know that everyone will think I! (not) ~ where is the sauce (micro blog). Even the hot summer of July, the rain is still not hesitate to brush the sense of anger. The sky is not blue again, 11 came the news of Iwata So's death, be taken by surprise at the same time, a few thunder sounded. - the storm came. July 12, 2015 micro-blog people there have clever hands and good sense...

标签: 游戏