新关注 > 信息聚合 > 心动网络将正式进军中国主机市场


The cardiac network will officially enter the Chinese market host

2015-07-23 00:54:06来源: 4399

近日,索尼电脑娱乐(Sony Computer Entertainment,简称SCE)及旗下《血源诅咒》监制团队Japan Studio一行来到心动网络总部。在会议中,心动网络向SCE及Japan Studio介绍了其进军主机市场的战略布局。 心动网络CEO黄一孟先生首先分享了心动网...

recently, Sony Computer Entertainment (Sony Computer Entertainment, (SCE) and its the blood curse "producer Team Japan studio line to the cardiac network headquarters. At the meeting, the heart of the network to SCE and Studio Japan introduced its strategic layout to enter the host market. Mr. Huang Yimeng, first of all, the CEO, was shared by the heart...