新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《境界触发者 无界任务》公开第二弹宣传视频

《境界触发者 无界任务》公开第二弹宣传视频

The realm of trigger are unbounded, open the second bomb promotional video

2015-07-21 11:39:38来源: 电玩巴士

BANDAI NAMCO预定于9月17日发售的PSV动漫改编游戏《境界触发者 无界任务》日前正式公开了第二弹宣传视频。本作为根据同名动漫改编的小队合作动作类游戏,在游戏中玩家可以体验原创的故事剧情并挑战多达80个以上的战斗任务。而游戏最大的特色为支持最多8人的4vs4联机对战。 视频原...

BANDAI Namco scheduled on September 17, offering the PSV anime adaptation of the game "state triggers are unbounded, recently officially the second bomb promotional video. This is based on the same name of the game of the same name of the game, the players in the game can experience the original story and challenge as many as 80 more combat missions. And the game's biggest feature is support for up to 8 people on the 4vs4 online war. Original video...

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