新关注 > 信息聚合 > WCA中国区资格赛WOT决赛:EL7:0碾压RG


WCA China qualifying wot Finals: the world of tanks EL7:0 rolled RG

2015-07-05 20:06:19来源: 新浪

WCA2015中国区资格赛职业组决赛《坦克世界》项目今日进行到最终的冠军争夺,对阵双方都是国内顶尖的坦克职业战队,且都已进入到WCA世界总决赛,但作为王者之师,双方都需要在本场比赛中证明自己,到底谁才是中国最强的队伍?让我们在今天的比赛中将答案揭晓。 双方首张比赛地图为拉斯威利,RG...

WCA2015 qualification China match occupational group final project today to eventual champion contention, against both domestic top tank professional team and have entered the WCA world finals, but as the king of the division, both sides need to prove himself in the game, in the end who is the strongest team? Let's get the answer in today's game. The first of the two sides of the game map for LA, Wiley, RG...