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小伙误信游戏中奖信息 连续汇款多次才知被骗

Guy mistakenly believed the game information of win a prize in a lottery for remittance repeatedly to know China cheated Sina

2015-07-06 11:00:37来源: 新浪

中国有句老话叫“天上掉馅饼”,形容的是无意中获得意外的好处。而市民小雷在玩网络游戏的时候,就被这么一个突如其来的“馅饼”砸到,不过这个“馅饼”却让小雷得到了一次沉痛的教训。 记者在达川区南城见到了小雷。小雷说,自己平时最大的爱好就是玩网络游戏。就在前两天,小雷和平时一样,在家中玩游戏...

saying called "pie in the sky", describes the is inadvertently get unexpected benefits. And people Lei playing online games, it was such a sudden "pie" hit, but the "pie" but let small Lei has been a painful lesson. Reporters in the Southern District of the city to see the small lei. Small Lei said that their usual biggest hobby is to play online games. In the first two days, the small Lei and usually as in the home to play games...

标签: 游戏