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天天德州战队落地拉斯维加斯 WSOP初赛小有斩获

Every team Texas landing Las Vegas WSOP preliminary small gains

2015-07-03 22:21:23来源: 体坛网

腾讯天天德州战队的郭东和"Leon"许立达,作为战队成员中赛事经验最丰富的队员,组成了先头小分队,早在十天以前就抵达了拉斯维加斯。从6月17日至今,两人几乎没有任何的休息时间,每天高强度高密度的赛事让两个人有些精疲力竭。我们来看看两个人在WSOP的赛事情况汇总。 图1:WSOP先头战...

Tencent's daily Texas team Guo Donghe "Leon" Li Da Hsu, as the events of the most experienced player on the team members, the composition of the vanguard detachment, as early as 10 days ago arrived at the Las Vegas. From June 17th to date, two people have almost no rest time, every day high strength and high density of events so that two people are a little exhausted. Let's take a look at the two men in the WSOP event summary. Figure 1:WSOP the war...