新关注 > 信息聚合 > 凌风展翅《龙与精灵》 真实网游视觉盛宴

凌风展翅《龙与精灵》 真实网游视觉盛宴

Ling Feng wings "dragon and the wizard" real online visual feast

2015-07-03 23:21:34来源: 4399

2.5D魔幻格斗手游力作《龙与精灵》将再一次迎来版本更新,各种惊艳内容即将扑面而来,必将引爆又一场视觉盛宴! ▍凌风展翅 作为玩家们最为关注和期待的格斗手游,《龙与精灵》中的各种华美羽翼,一直是玩家们津津乐道的话题。圣王风翼、伊卡洛斯之翼、星空巡弋者......或晶莹剔透充满活力,或...

2.5D magic fighting tour masterpiece "dragon and the wizard" will once again usher in the updated version, all amazing content is about to blow on the face and come, will detonate a visual feast!'s Ling Feng wings as players the most attention and look forward to fighting tour, "dragon and the wizard" various colorful wings has been players take delight in talking about the topic. King Wing wing Carlos, Iraq, star prowl... Or sparkling and full of vitality, or...

标签: 网游