新关注 > 信息聚合 > 为庆祝系列35周年,《泡泡龙4》现已开启六五折促销活动


In order to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the series, "bubble Dragon 4" has launched a 50% discount promotion

2021-03-17 15:02:44来源: 游戏时光

早在 1986 年,日本游戏公司 Taito 推出了街机平台动作游戏《泡泡龙》,官方为庆祝系列诞生 35 周年,特宣布旗下新作《泡泡龙4 伙伴:骷髅阿怪的反击!》中文数字版开启六五折促销活动的消息。 《泡泡龙4 伙伴:骷髅阿怪的反击!》是《泡泡龙 4伙伴》的 DLC 同捆版本,共收录了 200 个关卡,且关卡每到一定时间就会有系列人气怪物“骷髅阿怪”出现并追杀玩家,这个无敌且能穿墙的敌人是不少玩家的噩梦。本作仅数字版有优惠价格,PS4 版于 3 月 17 日在 PSN 商店开启折扣,Switch 版于 3 月 18 日在 eShop 开启,优惠都将于 3 月 31 日结束。时值系列 35 周年,想要重新体验街机原版《泡泡龙》的朋友可在《泡泡龙4 伙伴:骷髅阿怪的反击!》游戏中进行游玩,且支

As early as 1986, Taito, a Japanese game company, launched the arcade platform action game "bubble dragon". In order to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the series, the official announced its new work "bubble Dragon 4 partners: the counterattack of skeleton! 》The Chinese digital version has opened a 50% discount promotion. &Bubble 4 Companion: skeleton's counterattack! 》It's the DLC version of "4 buddies of bubble dragon", which contains 200 levels. Every time a certain level arrives, a series of popular monsters "skeleton" will appear and hunt down players. This invincible enemy who can pass through the wall is a nightmare for many players. Only the digital version of this work has a discount price. PS4 version will open in PSN store on March 17, and switch version will open in eshop on March 18. The discount will end on March 31. It's the 35th anniversary of the series. If you want to re experience the original version of the arcade "bubble dragon", you can find it in "bubble Dragon 4 partner: the counterattack of skeleton! 》Play in the game, and support