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Xbox Series帧数翻倍功能测试,改善兼容游戏体验的一大步

Xbox series frame doubling function test, a big step to improve the compatible game experience

2021-02-19 14:39:49来源: 游戏时光

微软于近日公布了首批支持 Xbox Series X|S “FPS Boost”(帧数增强)功能的五款兼容游戏。这个功能其实在去年微软就曾宣传过,但一直没有正式推出,仅公布了一个《辐射4》的 Demo。 和索尼通过游戏补丁让《往日不在》《对马岛之魂》《战神》等 PS4 兼容游戏解锁帧数的实现方式不同,新 Xbox 主机的 FPS Boost 是向下兼容团队直接在 DirectX 图形 API 层面对帧数进行改动,加速数据流的速度。该技术直接通过主机系统进行提升,无需改动游戏源代码。游戏本身会认为自己仍以原始的帧数运行。 微软这次公布的首批支持游戏挺有特点,《辐射4》最早放出 Demo 倒是没

&Microsoft recently announced the first five compatible games to support the "FPS boost" feature of Xbox series x|s. In fact, this function was publicized by Microsoft last year, but it has not been officially launched. Only a demo of radiation 4 was released. &Amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; and Sony have different ways to unlock the frame number of PS4 compatible games such as "the past is not here", "the soul of Falklands" and "the God of war" through game patches. The FPS boost of the new Xbox host is downward compatible. The team directly changes the frame number at the level of DirectX graphics API to speed up the data flow. The technology can be improved directly through the host system without changing the game source code. The game itself will think it's still running at the original frame number. &The first batch of support games released by Microsoft this time are quite characteristic, but radiation 4 didn't release demo at the first time

标签: 游戏 Xbox