新关注 > 信息聚合 > 腾讯公布国行Switch「马力欧」游戏宣传片


Tencent announces BOC switch "Mario" game Promo

2021-02-09 12:59:57来源: 游戏时光

新春佳节将至,腾讯公布了旗下代理的国行版 Switch 的一则全新电视广告,介绍了 《超级马力欧 奥德赛》《马力欧卡丁车8 豪华版》《新超级马力欧兄弟U 豪华版》三款“马力欧”系列游戏。 视频地址该广告将三款游戏无缝剪辑在一起,并用了日本歌手星野源的歌曲《创造》作为主题曲。购买了国行主机但还没入手这几作游戏的朋友,这个春节不妨和全家人一起享受“马大叔”的乐趣吧。

As the Spring Festival is approaching, Tencent announced a new TV advertisement of switch, the Bank of China Version, which is its agent. It introduced three series of "Mario" games, namely "Super Mario Odyssey", "Mario Kart 8 luxury edition" and "New Super Mario brother u luxury edition". Video address the ad seamlessly clips the three games together and uses the song "creation" by Japanese singer Shino yuan as the theme song. For those friends who have bought the host computer of the Bank of China but haven't started these games, it's better to enjoy the fun of "Uncle Ma" with the whole family this Spring Festival.   

标签: 游戏 Switch 腾讯