新关注 > 信息聚合 > Epic游戏商店将在未来两年推出更多独占作品


Epic game store will launch more exclusive works in the next two years

2021-02-06 14:46:47来源: 游戏时光

自 Epic 游戏商店搞独占的策略引起巨大争议后,他们就很少大张旗鼓的宣传这件事了。2019 年时该商店的负责人 Steve Allison 表示,不一定要永远追求独占策略,可能有一天就完全终止了,或者每年只会有「非常少」的独占合同。但最近据 Epic 的一位代表透露:“我们将在未来两年推出更多独占游戏。继续加大对内容的投资……推出更多平台功能。”此外他们还在积极推进独立发行工具,以在 2021 年底之前吸引更多新的开发者。《骑士:中世纪战争2》正是一款会在 EGS 上独占的作品在过去几年中,Epic 游戏商店发布了超过 100 款独占游戏,其中有将近一半是在很久之前发行的,不少限时独占的合同已经到期,像是《控制》《天外世界》和《黑帝斯》都能在 Steam 买到了。据 PCGamer 统计,目前已知的、且还未发

Since the epic game store's monopoly strategy has caused great controversy, they have rarely publicized it. In 2019, Steve Allison, the head of the store, said that it is not necessary to pursue the exclusive strategy forever. One day, it may be completely terminated, or there may be only "very few" exclusive contracts every year. But recently, according to a representative of epic, "we're going to launch more exclusive games in the next two years. Continue to invest more in content More platform features. " In addition, they are actively promoting independent distribution tools to attract more new developers by the end of 2021. "Knight: medieval war 2" is a work that will be exclusive on EGS. In the past few years, epic game store has released more than 100 exclusive games, nearly half of which were released a long time ago. Many limited time exclusive contracts have expired, such as "control", "outer world" and "Hades" can be bought in steam. According to the statistics of Pcgamer, it is known and has not yet been published

标签: 游戏