新关注 > 信息聚合 > 世嘉管理层变动:名越稔洋卸任董事一职


Management change of Sega: Mingyue Renyang resigns as a director

2021-01-29 16:09:27来源: 游戏时光

世嘉飒美集团于今日发表公告,表示将对公司组织结构进行一系列调整,世嘉飒美集团和子公司世嘉集团的企业职能和其他行政职能将分别分离,子公司 SHQ 整合入世嘉集团。而伴随着组织结构调整,公司管理层也将进行一定的人事变动, 世嘉飒美集团主席、 CEO 兼执行董事里见治卸任 CEO 一职,里见治纪成为新的公司 CEO。世嘉集团方面,名越稔洋不再担任公司董事一职,但继续担任公司创意总监。本次调整预计于 4 月 1 日生效。更详细董事会名单可以查看此处:传送门。

Sega Salome group announced today that it will make a series of adjustments to the company's organizational structure. The enterprise functions and other administrative functions of Sega Salome group and its subsidiary Sega group will be separated respectively, and its subsidiary SHQ will be integrated into Sega group. With the adjustment of organizational structure, the company's management will also make certain personnel changes,