新关注 > 信息聚合 > 彭博社:苹果正在开发售价昂贵的高性能VR头显


Apple is developing expensive high-performance VR head display

2021-01-22 09:47:39来源: 游戏时光

外媒报道,苹果目前正在开发自己的 VR 头显。根据彭博社的说法,苹果公司的目标是将其首款 VR 头显打造成 “一款价格昂贵、小众的先驱产品,以便在未来推出发布更具雄心的增强现实(AR)产品”。 虽然苹果制作 VR 头显的传闻已经有一段时间了,但彭博社的报道指出,该项目在开发过程中遇到了“几个障碍”。知情人士透露,苹果的目标是最早在 2022 年发布该设备。届时,苹果的 VR 头显将与 Oculus、索尼、HTC 和 Valve 几个品牌的 VR 头显同台竞技。彭博社的报道提到了两款苹果头戴式显示设备,代号分别为 N301 和 N421。其中 N301 目前还处于雏形阶段,视乎情况完全有可能会在产品正式发布前有所改变或被取消。而 N

&According to foreign media reports, apple is currently developing its own VR head display. Apple's goal is to make its first VR head show "an expensive, niche pioneer product to launch more ambitious augmented reality (AR) products in the future," according to the company. &Although Apple has been rumored to make VR head show for some time, the report from the Peng Bo News Agency pointed out that the project encountered "several obstacles" in the development process. Apple aims to release the device as early as 2022, according to people familiar with the matter. At that time, Apple's VR head show will compete with those of oculus, Sony, HTC and valve. Two apple's head mounted display devices, code named n301 and n421, were mentioned in the report. Among them, n301 is still in the embryonic stage, and it may be changed or cancelled before the product is officially released depending on the situation. And n

标签: VR 苹果