新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《使命召唤 黑色行动 冷战》首日数字销量为系列最高

《使命召唤 黑色行动 冷战》首日数字销量为系列最高

"Call of Duty Black action cold war" the first day of digital sales for the series the highest

2020-11-16 10:15:40来源: 游戏时光

《使命召唤 黑色行动 冷战》在上周五正式发售,登陆了 PS4、PS5、Xbox Series X/S 及 PC 平台。暴雪欧洲地区管理总监 Anna Malmhake 近日在一则声明中表示“《使命召唤 黑色行动 冷战》创造了系列首日最高的数字销量”。尽管本作在英国的实体销量系列 13 年以来首次没有在首发周拿到第一,不过算上数字版销量 ,肯定数字不会差。官方在此前公布了本作发售后的后续更新图,「核弹小镇」将以「核弹小镇'84」的形式加入到游戏中,并将于 11 月 24 日正式上线。第一赛季会在 12 月 10 日开启,届时本作也会和《使命召唤 战区》进行服务整合。 来源:Venturebeat

Call of Duty Black action cold war went on sale on Friday, landing on PS4, ps5, Xbox series X / s and PC platforms. "Call of Duty Black action cold war" created the highest number of sales on the first day of the series, "Anna malmhake, Blizzard's regional management director for Europe, said in a statement recently. Although for the first time in 13 years, the UK's physical sales series didn't get the first place in the first week of the series, with the sales of the digital version taken into account, the number is certainly not bad. The official has announced the following updated picture of the post-sale of this work, and "nuke town" will be added to the game in the form of "nuke town '84", which will be officially launched on November 24. The first season will start on December 10, when the book will be integrated with call of duty theater. &Source: VentureBeat