新关注 > 信息聚合 > 因使用未授权软件,一场《任天堂明星大乱斗DX》比赛被任天堂禁赛


Nintendo banned a Nintendo star fight DX competition for using unauthorized software

2020-11-21 02:40:39来源: 游戏时光

近日任天堂向位于美国密西根州,由粉丝举办的任天堂全明星大乱斗锦标赛「 The Big House (以下简称TBH) 」的组织者发出了一份禁令。TBH 自 2011 年第一次举办以来共进行了九次比赛,都未曾与任天堂产生纠纷。而任天堂此次发出的禁令是针对原本计划在今年 7 月于底特律开赛,此后转为线上举行的第十次比赛。TBH 在他们的官方推特上发布了一份致歉说明,其中提到了比赛为何取消的内容。而他们准备在线上比赛中使用的名为 slippi 的回滚式网络代码,正是导致任天堂下发禁令的罪魁祸首。玩家可以利用 slippi 实现《任天堂全明星大乱斗DX》的在线游玩。而任天堂并没有承认并授权给这一软件运行相关游戏的许可,正是问题所在。不过纵然任天堂在过去多次下达的各种禁令,给玩家们留下了深刻的印象,这次事件却并非任天堂唐

Nintendo recently issued a ban on the organizers of the big house (TBH), an all-star tournament held by fans in Michigan. TBH has held nine competitions since it first held in 2011, and there has been no dispute with Nintendo. Nintendo's ban is aimed at the 10th online game, which was originally planned to start in Detroit in July. TBH posted an apology note on their official twitter, which mentioned why the game was cancelled. And the rolling back network code called slippi, which they are going to use in online games, is the culprit for Nintendo's ban. Players can use slippi to realize the online play of Nintendo all star fight DX. Nintendo does not recognize and license the software to run related games, which is the problem. But even though Nintendo's various bans in the past have left a deep impression on the players, this event is not Nintendo Tang

标签: 任天堂