新关注 > 信息聚合 > 恐怖冒险游戏《刑罚:加长版》已于Switch港服开启预售


The horror adventure game penalty: extended version has been on sale in switch

2020-10-15 16:29:46来源: 游戏时光

  由 Caustic Reality 开发,Gamera Game 发行的恐怖冒险游戏《刑罚:加长版》(Infliction: Extended Cut)已于 Switch 港服 eShop 开放预售,将于 10 月 22 日正式解锁。  本作在 Switch 港服的定价为 110 港币(约合人民币 95 元),是全区最低价。从 10 月 15 日到 29 日,购买本作均可享受 8 折优惠,折后仅需 88 港币(约合人民币 76 元)。宣传视频  《刑罚》原版于 2018 年推出,在 Steam 上为“特别好评”(好评率 83%)。在游戏中玩家将探索一个郊区住宅,通过收集碎片和线索,去了解这栋建筑中的前尘往事,逐步解开埋藏于此的诸多谜团。而在探索的过程中,游荡在大宅中的恶灵将是玩家不得不面对的难题,玩家需要一

Developed by caustic reality and released by GAMERA game, the horror adventure game "punishment: Extended Cut" has been opened for pre-sale in switch esphop and will be officially released on October 22. The price of the switch service is 110 Hong Kong dollars (about 95 yuan), which is the lowest price in the region. From October 15 to 29, you can enjoy a 20% discount on the purchase of this work. After the discount, you only need 88 Hong Kong dollars (about 76 yuan). The original version of the publicity video "punishment" was launched in 2018 and was "highly praised" (83%) on steam. In the game, players will explore a suburban residence, collect fragments and clues to understand the past of the building, and gradually solve many mysteries buried in it. In the process of exploration, the evil spirit wandering in the mansion will be the problem that the players have to face, and the players need a team

标签: 游戏 Switch