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Made with Unity中国榜单2020年度奖项报名开启

Make with unity China list 2020 awards registration starts

2020-10-15 17:00:47来源: 游戏时光

  Unity 官方宣布,其 Made with Unity (MWU) 中国榜单 2020 年度奖项报名即日起正式开启,面向广大使用 Unity 平台的创作者征集优秀作品。MWU 中国榜单 2020 年度奖项是由 Unity 官方组织的年度 Made With Unity 作品评选活动,这也是该榜单首次落地中国,以致敬和表彰中国游戏、工业、传媒娱乐等领域的优秀作品与创作者。  此次 MWU 中国榜单 2020 年度奖项评选活动,面向所有以正版 Unity 引擎开发的作品,不限平台、不限类型、不限风格,并鼓励更多原创作品的参与。征集作品分为游戏及非游戏作品两大类别,在游戏类别中,无论是专业团队、独立团队、学生作品或是 AR/VR 作品,均可报名参与奖项评选。  MWU 中国榜单 2020 年度奖项将包含各类单项

Unity officially announced that its make with unity (MWU) China list 2020 award application will be officially opened today to collect outstanding works for the majority of creators who use the unity platform. The MWU China list 2020 award is an annual made with unity work selection activity organized by unity. It is also the first time that the list has landed in China to pay tribute to and commend outstanding works and creators in the fields of Chinese games, industry, media and entertainment. The MWU China list 2020 awards selection activity is open to all works developed with genuine unity engine, regardless of platform, type and style, and encourages more original works to participate. The collected works are divided into two categories: game works and non game works. In the game category, whether it is professional team, independent team, student works or Ar / VR works, you can register to participate in the award selection. MWU China list 2020 awards will include all kinds of individual items