新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《Nitro+ 爆裂》冬季登录PS3/PS4平台

《Nitro+ 爆裂》冬季登录PS3/PS4平台

The dramatic murder nitro + burst "winter login platform PS3/PS4

2015-06-02 19:42:18来源: 多玩游戏

来自即将于本周四发售的FAMI速报 目前在街机平台上运营中的《Nitro+ 爆裂》即将于15年冬季登录到PS3/PS4主机平台,本作由Examu负责开发制作(代表作《圣灵之心》、《恶魔新娘》和《Aquapazza》等) 游戏类型FTG,主要角色阵容当然是N+社旗下的女主角们了,目前街...

from coming on sale Thursday fami nowcasts currently in the arcade platform operation in the dramatic murder nitro + burst" is in 15 years winter login to PS3/PS4 host platform, the Examu responsible for development of production (represents the heart of the Holy Spirit, the demon of the bride and the Aquapazza ") FTG game types, the main cast of characters of course is n + Sheqi under the heroine the, the current street...

标签: PS PS4