新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《水浒无双2》重磅资料片4月24日开服公测!


Water Margin unparalleled "2" heavy piece of information service in April 24th open beta!

2015-04-17 18:51:49来源: 天极网

2015大型爆爽国战动作网游《水浒无双2》全新资料片“黄金盛世”即将于4月24日全面开启不删档公测,同名新服【黄金盛世】也将于4月24日13:00开放,老友回归即送百万金票,更有Apple Watch及土豪表带等任性大礼等你来拿! 黄金盛世来临,新服!新玩法!新挑战! 《水浒无双...

2015 large-scale national war burst cool action games "Water Margin unparalleled 2" new "golden age" in April 24th is about to open beta does not delete files with the same name, the new service [] the golden age in April 24th will also be open 13:00, old friends return spring a golden ticket, more Apple Watch bracelet and capricious tyrant gift waiting for you to come! The golden age is coming, the new service new ways new challenge!!! "The water margin...