新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《勇者大冒险》手游新手快速推图刷副本攻略


"The brave adventure" Mobile Games novice to quickly push the figure brush copy Raiders

2015-04-01 21:37:56来源: TechWeb

勇者大冒险这款游戏中推图的进度跟很多方面都相关,其中最主要的就是主猎人和副猎人的搭配,包括加成、装备、技能等方面,下面蚕豆网小编就为各位带来勇者大冒险手游新手推图刷副本攻略。 1.游戏开始的2个猎人少校和西部女都不错,少校的自动机枪和西部女的近距离3道射线全中的输出很高。后期副本无论普...

brave adventure game push related graph schedule with many aspects, of which the most important is the main and side with hunter hunter, including addition, equipment, skills and other aspects, the bean network Xiaobian for you to bring the brave the adventures of Mobile Games novice graphic brush copy. 1 the beginning of the game 2 hunters major and Western women are good, major automatic machine gun and western female close output 3 ray in the high. Late copy regardless of pu...

标签: 手游