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《全民突击》枪械详细攻略 枪械进阶升级全解析

"Assault" national firearms with Raiders firearms advanced upgrade of all analytical

2015-03-24 11:38:44来源: 站长之家

“每个士兵都有一支枪,每支枪都有一个号码,而这个号码也就是这个士兵的身份证。真正的军旅始于授枪的那一刻,只有拥有枪的士兵,才是真正的士兵。否则,这个士兵永远无法真正进入军旅深处那真正的极点。” “枪是人类隐藏着的精神,一种令人血脉贲张、热汗贯顶的雄性。我在后来的岁月里,仍可觉出这支枪,...

"each soldier with a gun, each gun has a number, and this number is also the soldier's identity card. The moment the real army began awarding guns, only have the soldiers with guns, is the only true soldiers. Otherwise, the soldier never really into the depths of the real poles army." "The gun is man hidden spirit, a kind of exciting, hot sweat through the top of the male. I'm in later years, can still feel the gun,...