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Free combat "fire cover days" brand new version boast the world debut

2015-03-24 10:56:21来源: 不凡游戏网

全新ARPG手游《烈火遮天》今日上午10点全新版本耀世登场,新玩法新装备,随心所欲的战斗,丰富多彩的BOSS挑战 。琳琅满目的炫酷装备,你想让万人敬仰吗?你想体验主宰一方的快感吗?万人沙城攻防战给你最初的激动!今日体验新版本玩法,即可得到意想不到的福利惊喜!绝对惊呆你! 游戏新增N多内...

new ARPG Mobile Games "fire" covered the day 10 am in the morning the new version boast the world debut of new equipment, new gameplay, arbitrary battle, rich and colorful BOSS challenge. A superb collection of beautiful things cool equipment, you want to make a million people admire? You want to experience the thrill of dominance? Million people Shacheng battle to your initial excitement! Today a new version of the gameplay experience, can get beat all welfare surprise! Absolute shock you! More new N game...