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逃生大冒险第一关攻略 Escape Adventure攻略1

Adventure first off raiders Escape Adventure Raiders 1

2015-03-13 14:32:01来源: 4399

今天木木为大家带来的是逃生大冒险第一关攻略,开始准备接受武士训练吧!我们将从进入城堡开始,还在等什么?赶快一起来看看吧! 1.首先按照提示点击城墙的左边,取走墙上的槌头和槌柄,然后组合成一柄完整的槌子。顺便记下墙上的三个字符。 2.然后回过头,把锣敲响起来。就可以进入中庭了。 3....

today wood brings for everybody is the escape adventure first off raiders escape, ready to start accepting training for samurai! We will start to get into the castle, so what are you waiting for? Hurry up and have a look! 1 first according to the prompt click on the wall left, take the hammer head and the wall the hammer handle, and then combined into a complete hammer handle. By note of three characters on the wall. 2 and turned, the gong sounded. You can enter in the atrium. . 3...