新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《哪吒归来》于今日开启精英封测


"Ne Zha return" today to open new elite packaging and testing

2015-03-13 14:25:58来源: 18183

2015筑巢新游重磅巨作,首款策略战棋手游《哪吒归来》今日“逆世”开启精英封测! 七大活动独享精彩豪礼,100%送绝世装备、神级英雄、海量元宝齐上阵,让你在游戏中任性发挥。 【精英封测 体验自由走位】 游戏在核心玩法上相当有创意,将战棋模式首次加入到了卡牌游戏当中,游戏主打的玩...

2015 nesting heavy work, the first strategy war chess Mobile Games "Nezha back" today "the reverse world" opened elite CB! Seven activities exclusive wonderful ho ceremony, 100% to send the peerless equipment, God hero, massive Yuan Bao Qi battle, let your willful play in the game. [go] elite IC packaging and testing experience freedom game is quite creative in the core gameplay, will battle chess pattern first joined the card game, the game main play...