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雷霆英雄游戏介绍 3D即时战斗卡牌手游

The thunder hero game on 3D real time combat card Mobile Games

2015-01-28 11:17:32来源: 4399

《雷霆英雄》是一款基于Unity3D引擎开发的全3D即时战斗卡牌手游。在游戏中玩家收集来自经典游戏时空的传奇英雄组建自己的部队,挑战海量关卡与其他玩家。即时战斗卡牌玩法中英雄会真正在战场中走位、拼杀。不但需要排兵布阵的策略,更加需要战场操作,懂得利用机会才能成为最终的赢家。 此外,《雷...

"thunder hero" is a full 3D Unity3D engine based on the development of the real time combat card Mobile Games. In the game, game player is collected from the classic game legends to set up his own troops, massive level and other game player challenges. Real time combat Card Hero Brand play will actually take place, fighting in the battlefield. Not only need the Paibingbuzhen strategy, more in need of battlefield operation, know how to use the opportunity to become the ultimate winner. In addition, "ray...

标签: 游戏 手游