新关注 > 信息聚合 > Netflix动画《巫师:狼之噩梦》先导预告公布 维瑟米尔英雄传

Netflix动画《巫师:狼之噩梦》先导预告公布 维瑟米尔英雄传

Netflix animation wizard: Wolf's nightmare pilot announcement

2021-07-21 23:49:35来源: 游戏时光

Netflix 放出了动画《巫师:狼之噩梦》的先导预告片。本片将于 8 月 23 日上线,时长 88 分钟,讲述在杰洛特成为传奇猎魔人很久之前维瑟米尔的冒险故事。视频地址

Netflix released the lead trailer for the animated Wizard: Wolf's nightmare. The 88 minute film, which will be released on August 23, tells the adventures of visemi long before jerot became a legendary demon hunter. Video address