新关注 > 信息聚合 > 为什么改编手游总是翻车,“正版授权”游戏要如何才能长久?


Why does the adaptation of mobile games always overturn? How can the "authorized" game last?

2021-05-15 18:43:29来源: 触乐

上个月,由最经典的JRPG系列之一的“樱花大战”改编、现象级手游《Fate/Grand Order》(以下简称《FGO》)开发商Delightworks操刀,号称投资30亿日元的《樱花大战》手游《樱花革命:绽放的少女们》在上线半年后火速宣布关服,这条消息又掀起了许多对经典IP改编手游的讨论。 虽然人们谈论《樱花大战》手游时经常提起《FGO》,但二者的战斗系统差别还挺大的,共性大概是同样是有3幕吧 不管是漫改、动画改编、小说改编,它们都有一个共性——容易翻车。人们时不时就能看到某知名IP改编游戏暴死的消息,有时候“正版授权”或“原作改编”听起来就是个Debuff,效果是,活着的时候咋样不好说,凉了的时候全世界都会知道。 顺带着,“改编手游”一词也出现了信任危机,容易让玩家条件反射地产生“该不会又是来骗钱的吧?

Last month, delightworks, a developer of the phenomenal mobile game "fate / grand order" (hereinafter referred to as "FGO") adapted from "Cherry Blossom war", one of the most classic jrpg series, announced the closure of the mobile game "Cherry Blossom Revolution: blooming girls" with a claimed investment of 3 billion yen six months after it went online, This news has set off a lot of discussion on the classic IP adaptation of mobile games.

标签: 游戏 手游